Wednesday, December 13, 2023

An Event Filled December

I have not been able keep up with this blog in recent weeks.  I shared my Covid news with you a couple of weeks ago.  For me, the biggest issue was a general feeling of exhaustion.  A simple walk to my mailbox (and back) felt like an Olympic event.  I use the word "walk" generously.  It was more like a slow shuffle.  

It took about a week, but I finally tested negative last Wednesday.  Unfortunately, I've had a series of events this month that have required my attention.  Nothing serious.  Just some family issues that are taking a good chunk of my time.  

I know I have emails from readers and they are probably waiting a response.  Hang in there.  I will get to them.  

For now, I will try to post a few new photos each day, but I may miss a day or two each week. 



  1. I am pleased you are feeling a bit better, and look forward to seeing you back to normal when you are up to it

  2. Take things slowly and priortize the most important tasks. If the blog needs to go on the back burner, so be it. I dropped back from daily posting for a while and came back more energized and focused. You have my best wishes, as always.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts on how to do this. I value you advice.

  3. Bummer, but glad you are on the mend.
