Thursday, December 7, 2023

Butch 3 of 3

I posted this photo a while back and Cambria helpfully identified this as Butch from DSI.  This was the photo that had me look at Butch in a whole new light.  A little older and beefier.  I had lust in my heart.  

I have no attribution for the next two photos, but I suspect they are also from DSI. 

I'm thinking maybe this one is from Milo.  Maybe.  

And finally, a group photo from the W&B film Eight Male Nudists.  Front row, from the left is Bob Zimmerman, Enrique Nieves and Jim Wayne.  Back row, from the left: John King, unknown, Butch Umbenhauer, Bob Jackson and Tommy Evans. 

Many thanks to Brian E. for completing my collection of Butch Umbenhauer photos.  Perhaps before this decade is over we'll have a name for the unknown model in the back row.  He showed up in a number of W&B films.  

Thanks again, Brian! 


  1. Nice. He looks great with a hard cock, imo.

  2. BUTCH UMBENAUER laying on the Sofa with the plaid/stripes was made by Pat Milo. That was Pat Milo's home and BUTCH lived in LA.

  3. I doubt we will ever know who the unknown model was in the back row of that Wygate and Bevins photo. Even the BMF does not know and there is nothing left of W&B. Since he was never identified there is almost no way to know today.

  4. Thanks for the credit, James. It's always a pleasure to 'share the love' šŸ¤£

  5. Man kann verstehen, warum Mizer dem willigen Umbenhauer einen stern gab.
    Die von DSI und Milo prƤsentierten fotos sind expliziter als die von Mizer und Umbenhauer wirkt eher wie ein straƟen-stricher.
