Sunday, December 24, 2023

Mystery Solved?

A few weeks back I posted a photo of an AMG model I could not identify.  Of course, he was a blond.  Both Cambria and Brian came up with the names Lloyd David and Paul Guffin, or Guffy.  Brian was kind enough to send me these photos where our mystery man is identified.  

The top photo is from Physique Pictorial Vol. 15 No. 3 (June, 1966) and Lloyd's sparring partner is identified as David Blake.  OK, pull the car over and put it in park!  That's Link Ramon and the tattoo on his right arm settles it.  I think this is the only time Link/David appeared in a PP issue, but he did several films for AMG.  If you click my label for the film A Sailor in Egypt, you can see Link is clearly identified.  

OK, back to Lloyd David.  I'm going to stick with that name since that's how he's identified in PP.  The fact PP misidentified Link does not strengthen my case, but we take what's given.  So, who's Paul Guffin?  Beats me.  There was an AMG model with that name who appeared in one film back in the mid 60s, but I've never seen any photos.  

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat look at that butt!  

1 comment:

  1. Ja, Lloyd David hat ein feines gesASS :)
    Link und Lloyd haben spaß in Mizers bad.
