Friday, January 12, 2024

Ron Wallace -- Part 1 of 6

It's Ron Wallace Day here at MFBT!  Let's celebrate by looking back at his somewhat long and prolific career at AMG and Wyngate & Bevins. 

Ron Wallace was originally from Dubuque, Iowa.  He showed up at the AMG studio in 1964 when he was 20 years old.  At that time Ron stood 5ft 7in and carried 135lbs.  

The top photo has Ron posing with Dave Haupert and Jerry Sullivan in what I think was Ron's first film -- Space Mutiny.  I saw this film many years ago but don't recall much about it.  I was  probably focused on Mr. Sullivan through most, if not all of it.  Sue me. 

I don't think this photo is from the Space Mutiny film, although it looks like it was made around the same time.  


  1. RON WALLACE and JERRY SULLIVAN became best friends after meeting at AMG. I think that "Boys and the Snake Woman" was the first film for RON WALLACE. Filmed in 1963 when RON was 19 it had Doug Scott,Debbie Smith and Diablo the Snake. The film made Diablo nervous and he shit all over the set.

  2. Space Mutiny, un fantasme de science-fiction humoristique par MIzer.
    Joli contraste des physiques sur les deux photos.
    -Beau Mec à Deauville

    1. Beau Mac a Deauville: Qui ne voudrait pas monter à bord d'un vaisseau spatial avec Ron Wallace et Jerry Sullivan ? Perdu dans l'espace. Ce sera une merveilleuse façon de voir la Galaxie.

  3. The second film with Jerry Sullivan and Ron Wallace I have in my list is called "Young Magician" and the background of this photo is fitting to the picture in the film directory. So it may be from this film.

  4. Guido: The film is indeed the 1963 AMG b&w "Young Magician". It had a defective negative and was never released.
