Friday, January 12, 2024

Ron Wallace -- Part 6 of 6

Here's Ron in one of his last sessions at AMG.  

You may have noticed Ron's all over tan in most all of his photos.  I know Ron did some work for Mizer which included set building, minor repairs and general clean up.  I imagine he did this work alfresco.  And I suspect it was done to pay back Mizer for the bail money he frequently posted for Ron.  Yeah, Ron was a bad boy.  


  1. RON WALLACE was arrested several times by the LA Police for Hustling. Bob Mizer would bail him out of Jail. RON was an axcellent mechanic and did a lot of construction work for Bob Mizer. That would be how RON would pay Mizer back for the bail. In 1972 Ron was arrested for Hustling and the Police claimed he had brass knuckles and a switchblade. Mizer had to pay $1500 to bail RON out of Jail. This time RON got 5 months in Prison for his final sentence. Mizer never saw RON after he went back to Jail and he vanished from Physique Photography. RON relocated back to Dubuque Iowa and never returned to California.

    1. Die großstadt hat einen schlechten einfluss auf die bauern jungen, und manchmal auch umgekehrt. (vvs)

  2. Es ist ein wunder, dass das dach von Mizers haus trotz all dieser steine und nackten männer nie eingestürzt ist :)
