Thursday, January 25, 2024

What Were The Odds? UPDATED

Leave it to Guido and Brian to come up with names for these two AMG models from yesterday's post.  In the top photo, the guy with the fuzzy butt is Ronnie Baldwin and the guy seated is Tom Brashear.  

Tom has several movie titles to his credit.  They were all scheduled to be released in the early 1970s, but AMG went full nude shortly after this photo session and by 1970 very few posing strap films were being released.  As for Ronnie, he has only one film to his credit -- a solo.  

Brian sent me two more photos from this session.  


  1. Well, James, I didn't recognise either model, so I fiddled with the rotation and contrast and got my software on to it. It suggested Vince Latimer for the guy on the right. I'm not entirely sure. I have a total of 7 photos of Vince. One of them is credited to Milo. If it is from a film we might expect Cambria to jump in with some info.

    1. Thanks Brian. Please send me the photos you have of Vince.

  2. The Grecian Guild gives for these two models the names Brashear and Baldwin. But until now I don't have an idea for the first names nor who is Baldwin and who is Brashear. And no: it's not from a film.

    1. Ok. Now that you mention Baldwin, it could indeed be Ronnie Baldwin (on the left with the lovely furry arse). On a photo I have of him (from what looks to be a Physique Pictorial page) it mentions that he appears with Tom Brashear on another page of the same issue. Enticingly, it says also '(Film announcement later.)'. I'll have to leave it to others to verify Tom Brashear, I don't have any photos labelled with that name.

  3. In case you are interested: I have a photo where you also can see the face of the second model better.

    1. Well, Guido, I'd definitely be interested in any photo that might give a better chance for facial recognition. I presume you still have my email address? I cc'd you on an email in Oct 2023.

    2. I send you what I have - Yes, it is Ronnie Baldwin. The tattoo matches.

    3. Agree. It is Ronnie in 1966. I also found a bit on Tom Brashear. He did four films, but I don't think any were released.

  4. RONNIE BALDWIN on the LEFT with TOM BRASHEAR at AMG for Bob Mizer in 1965. The short film is "Brashear and Baldwin", catalog B068 circa 1965. The film was posing pouchs but it was released in 1970 because it was in COLOR.
    RONNIE was a real Boxer from St. Louis. RONNIE was just 5 feet 4 inches and weighed 130 pounds and was scrappy.

  5. Thanks, James, but I the credit should go to Guido. He sent me the additional photos first.

    1. I am always concerned I won't credit someone for their assistance. Thank you for clarifying my statement.

      Guido is a great resource!

  6. Eine Mizer fantasie-film.
    König Brashear hat seinen sklaven Baldwin zur hand und genießt die aussicht.
    Mizer veröffentlichte seine filme, als genügend seiner kunden kaufinteresse bekundeten, um die kosten seiner filme zu decken.
    Mit dem aufkommen der vollständigen nacktheit im jahr 1968 gerieten strap-filme in vergessenheit und ihre produktion wurde eingestellt.

  7. VVS: This short film was released in 1970 because there were enough customers who wanted to see it. It had 2 handsome models and was filmed in COLOR with vivid sets.
