Monday, February 12, 2024


A reader recently commented on the AMG "action" photos I've posted in the past.  He has a special fondness for photos of AMG models struggling in a wrestling match. 

Here we have Leon Houston struggle to free himself from David O'Boyle's hold.  Leon was 20 years old at the time.  Mizer said he was a married man.  David was 21 years old and, according to a fellow AMG enthusiast, he was well known in the gayborhood. 


  1. DAVID O'BOYLE met ROBERT BARTHOLOMAE riding Freight Trains illegally across the USA and became fast friends and Lovers. DAVID and ROBERT even spent Christmas on a Freight Train and had to run from some Train Cops at a Depot. The Love Affair ended after they got to LA and began Modeling at AMG. Robert went home after a few weeks. DAVID stayed in LA and Mizer's codes tell us that DAVID was Greek Passive with Men and was an expensive Hustler. Mizer had a long history with DAVID and kicked him out one time for a burglary. That spanned several years and DAVID made 11 short AMG Films with him.!

  2. Mens voel 'n seksuele spanning tussen Houston en O'Boyle.
    Swart en wits mans naak saam, die verbode vrug van daardie tye.
    In apartheid Suid-Afrika, Jim Crow Amerika en ander lande was so 'n foto en 'n verhouding onwettig. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het apartheid afgedwing en homosekualiteit in 1969 onwettig gemaak.
    - Praetorius
