Friday, April 12, 2024

Little Help

I'm not sure what happened to this page in that AMG book.  I think that's Guy Miller on the top, but I wouldn't bet on it.  As for Cliff, my only photo of him looks nothing like either of these guys.  

See Brian's comments for some help on this. 


  1. It's the other way around. It's Cliff Simpson on top and Guy Miller on the bottom. Cliff has serious dimples in the other shots I have of him. As for Guy Miller, the patch of chest hair matches. I wonder though whether it's a different Guy Miller to the one posing with Rocky Coffey, Jim Paris and Jim Stafford in the AMG film: Boys in Jail. The thing is he looks much more like the Guy Miller I have posing on sun loungers with Ed Fury.... but in my system I have them all as the same guy...

  2. He looks much more the the Guy Miller posing with Ben Duprey, John Delane, Hans Bendler and John C. Roberson.

    I think the film with Coffey, Paris and Stafford is actually "Delicate Con(vict)". GEVI at least back me up there.

  3. I only have one photo of Ed on a lounger with another model, they're lyiong there shaking (or holding) hands. Ed is in white shorts & the other guy in a pouch. The second man I have labelled as Cliff Simpson. However, to my, very inexpert, eye second guy looks like the guy on the bottom of this photo.

  4. I'm still confused. It is Miller and Simpson, though. Right?
