Monday, May 27, 2024

Cross, Cummings & Baker


  1. The one in the center is Cummings. I've found him under the names Bill and Jim in AMG photos, directories and physique pictorial. This is a VERY EARLY (mid 1940s) group. I suspect the reason for the different names is that he is one of Mizer's nude models, before he went to jail. All of the early nude images were destroyed except for the single shot of each model that Mizer doctored with a posing strap for the album page. (All models in Albums A and B suffered this fate - including Forrester Millard and John Miller). The only way nude photos will turn up is if someone purchased them in the 1 or 2 years they were available (before the police destroyed them)... AND that the copy purchased has managed to survive the 80 - YES EIGHTY years since Mizer originally shot it. So everybody - Ask your (great)grandfather if he ever posed for one of these studios.... I'm serious. You never know unless you ask. The post war period was incredibly open ... until it wasn't.
