Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Based on that background I'm guessing this is from the early 1960s.  Not one of these attractive models looks familiar, though.  I'm guessing the photos might be from a film. 

Click the label for the film name for IDs.  


  1. This could a photo from the Film "Boys by the lake". Names given in the Grecian Guild are: Baxter, Farris, Morris and McVey - unfortunately no first names.

    1. Good Job! I'm going to label them with their last names in the event something comes up in the future. Unfortunately, I think they're all one time only models. Thanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LES BAXTER, JOHN FARRIS, MARTY MORRIS and MAURICE MCVEY were the full names of the stars of the 1961 AMG b&w short Posing Pouch Wrestling film "Boys by the Lake". I found the cast photo in my files--his name was not Morris McVey--it was really Maurice McVey. Sending James and Guido proof now. Thanks!!
