Monday, June 17, 2024

Guys With Golden Locks

Lately I haven't been able to spend much time on this blog.  Nothing is wrong, I just have too much on my plate.  For the time being, posts will be sporadic and may contain reruns from seasons past.  Not all reruns, though.  

Today's posts are all about the blond men who posed for the photographers who catered to gay clientele.  If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know my record for identifying blonds is not stellar.  OK, it sucks.  I may not be able to identify the model, but I can appreciate their photos and make them part of this blog.  


Blond Rick Barton (aka Rick Gleadall) posed for AMG and Old Reliable in the late 1980s.  During his tenure we watched Rick go from a swimmer type build to a very muscular physique.  

Here's Rick at his first session with Old Reliable who called him Rick Barton.  As I've said in previous posts, Rick would pop wood almost instantaneously.  Every time. 

Here's Rick at AMG a year or so later.  You'll notice he's put on some muscle.  

This is from Rick's last session at AMG.  He was just released from prison after serving a couple of years for auto theft.  That explains the tattoos.  He also did a film session at Old Reliable around the same time as this AMG session.  I've seen the film.   You'll be pleased to learn he still had that instant boner thing going for him. 


  1. RICK GLEADALL AKA RICK BARTON. Everything was not Perfect when it came to RICK.!
    David Hurles told us Rick stole his brand new car. So David called the cops who quickly found and arrested RICK. RICK went to Prison for 5 Years and it was there he put on some muscle and several Tattoos.
    When Rick was released from Prison he showed up at David's place. All was forgiven and Rick continued posing for David Hurles for about 18 months. Then RICK vanished into thin air but this time he did NOT take the car or anything else that did not belong to him. Rick, like his previous sessions at Old Reliable, was always quick to rise to Attention and stay that way. !! But RICK disapperared in the end leaving David Hurles to wonder what became of him.
