Monday, June 17, 2024

Jack Conant

To be fair, I have several photos of Jack with darker hair.  Perhaps he used some product to achieve that golden hue.  Blond or not, he's one of my favorites. 


  1. Too bad he's wearing a pouch. Looks like he's got a lot to be proud of, besides his build.

  2. Jack Conant bleached his hair for this photo. And this photo is really old dating to the mid early 1940s. Mizer worked as an apprentice with Fred Kovert from 1942 until 1949 when Kovert passed away. Jack posed Nude for Kovert more than 100 times even after he was married and had a child. Mizer needed a legal Posing Pouch photo of a great model and Jack was his ticket. Jack had no issues posing full frontal nude which was really all Kovert really did.
