Sunday, June 2, 2024

Jerry vs Shan

Jerry Sullivan and Shan Finucane at AMG.  If these photos are from a film, I don't think it was ever released. 

See Guido's comment.  Apparently Shan was billed as David Askins in this wrestling match with Jerry.  

It looks like things got a little heated. 

My latest photo of Jerry's butt.  


  1. Yes there are a film "Jerry Sullivan & David Askins" (aka ShanFinacune) with this two models and with this background. Scheduled to be released in 1974 ...

    1. I never knew Shan had another name. Thanks!

  2. Guido you solved the mystery. Shan Finacune was AKA DAVID ASKINS for Bob Mizer at AMG and made a short film with Jerry Sullivan using the DAVID name. He also used the David name for a 1965 b&w AMG short film with Jim Stafford called "Surfer & the Hodad".

    1. Correct. Also in the Grecian Guild 17 the name is David Askins. Up to now I found the name "Shan Finacune" used only in the Film Neptune & the Sailor with Bill Nolan.

    2. Correct. Shan Finacune was his real name. He began making films under the stage name of David Askins thinking the films would ruin his reputation. However he reconsidered that and decided he needed to use his real name to get work from Hollywood. He instructed Bob Mizer that from now on he was Shan Finacune. The only film he made with his real name was "Neptune & the Sailor". Hollywood never came calling for Shan.
