Wednesday, June 19, 2024

New To Me

Lately I've been fortunate in finding new AMG photos thanks to a particular seller on Ebay.  Most of this seller's photos are from the pouch era and some look like they are from the 1950s.  Many of the models are new to me, which is great, unfortunately, I don't have any names for them.  They may be unknowns to me, but they deserve a spot on this blog. 

Today's photos are all from that source.  If you recognize a model, please leave a comment.  

I like the two photos of this model.  He's looks good physically and he has a calm look about him that I find attractive.  The butt ain't bad either.  😋

Cambria says this is Eddie Vermer in 1954.  Thanks! 


  1. The Model is EDDIE VERMER and he posed for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1954.

  2. Eddie is one of those models who went by multiple names. Mizer called him Eddie Woods on several occasions, so you may want to flag that.
