Friday, June 28, 2024

The Real Richard E. Lee

Well, thanks to Cambria, the BMF has confirmed the model who posed here with Sam Benson and Tico Patterson is indeed, Richard E. Lee.  Knock me over with a feather. 

That's Sam Benson on the left.  Richard does not have the long hair and his pubic hairs do not look red or orange -- even in the bright sunshine.  This film was first promoted in Physique Pictorial Vol. 33 (December, 1979). 

This film with Tico was first promoted in Physique Pictorial Vol. 30 (August, 1977).  Based on Tico's looks, I would say it was filmed that same year or shortly before it.  Let's be generous and say the two films were made three years apart.  OK.  Richard got a haircut and lost 20 (30?) pounds.  I can't explain the pubic hair change in color.  

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