Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tico & Unknown Ginger 1/2

For a longtime now, I thought the strawberry blond posing here with Tico Patterson was Richard E. Lee -- until I found some photos of the real Mr. Lee.  That leaves the obvious question: Who the heck is this guy with Tico?  

I'm nearly certain I've seen this video, but that's been at least twenty years ago and I don't believe I saw the whole video, just a piece of it.  Tim E. kindly sent me some more photos from this session and called the blond an unknown ginger.  So that's what I will call him until we get this model's actual name.  



  1. James you will not believe this but I think the blond with Tico was Richard E. Lee. I am checking with the BMF but that will take a few hours. I have these photos in a file marked as Richard E. Lee with a notation that Richard's hair was blond when he grew it out long. From the 1977 AMG COLOR short film "Richard E. Lee & Tico Patterson". RICHARD E. LEE died in November 1980.

    1. I would be interested as to what they say. This blond has red pubes. Orange, really. My color photos of Lee do not and were talking around the same time.

    2. It is extremely weird because many different sources claim that the blond was Richard E. Lee. I will let you know as soon as I find out --they are in San Francisco and have not even opened for business yet today.

    3. FWIW, I too have the blond's name as Richard E. Lee. I agree with you James, he doesn't match the other colour photos. We'll leave it to Cambria and his BMF contact to save the day 😀

  2. I have Richard E. Lee in a duo with Sam Benson. It looks like this dup was shot on two occasions, and on the pubes of both models were trimmed, and in the other they are full and in Richard's case quite ginger

  3. The BMF says that the model with Tico Patterson is Richard E. Lee. He was photographed at AMG in 1977 through 1980. During that period he looks like 3 different models, but they are all the same person. There is no record of Richard E. Lee dying in 1980.
