Saturday, June 1, 2024

You're Hired!

Jack Stafford (left) and Johnny Amati in a still from the Kris film The Hired Hand.  

Johnny's looking for a hired hand to give him some help around the farm.  Jack Interviews for the job in his birthday suit and is hired immediately.  The End.  Five stars! 


  1. A farmer tricks a passing motorist into accepting a job as a hired hand. Filmed entirely outdoors in the Nude. And it was Kris of Chicago and not AMG who made this Gem.! Many surprises and top notch.

    1. You misinterpret what I mean. I was saying in effect that it was a really good short film (a Gem specifically) and was by Kris of Chicago which was unusual.

  2. Jack is just my type and his nice slim body and uncut could help to save a horse and ride me or vice versa....
