Tuesday, October 22, 2024

New Photos

I have some personal business that may keep me offline this week.  I set up some posts for the next week and they will mostly be photos of unknown (to me) AMG models I recently found on that auction site.  If you have a name, please leave it in the comments.  Enjoy. 

This guy is one helluva a looker! 

Photoplay reminder me this is Gene Wilkinson.  The first one of two models with that name. 


  1. Ja, ein gutaussehender Mann, mit diesen Tätowierungen ist er zweifellos ein Segler.

  2. Beaux portraits physiques par Mizer.
    Marcel Duchamp avait son nu descendent un escalier, Bob Mizer avait son presque nu descendent un escalier.
    -Beau Mec
