Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Strangers 6/6

Guido says this is Ted Bengley (left) and Dick Kruetel.  He's right!  I posted photos of them in the past.  Thanks, Guido! 


  1. You have pictures of the guy to the right. Both look like they could have been teen idols of the late 1950’s/ early 1960’s, like Jan and Dean….:)

  2. Okay so what was the name of the Man on the RIGHT.? No one ever said an actual full name.?

  3. Ted Bengley (left) and Dick Kreutel - according to the Grecian Guild

  4. Guido: Yes that is Ted Bengley and Dick Kreutel and they already had a shirtless in Jeans photo posted on MFBT. Glad to see you back.

  5. FYI, this spelling is how I've always seen their names, but I've seen them printed with variations in other publications Bentley, Krentel. There is no telling which is correct, since even Mizer made mistakes or used variations from time to time. (Note that T and G are next to each other on a typewriter, and Bentley seems to make more sense, but Bengley is how he is listed in in the Model directory.)
