Monday, June 3, 2024

Into The Unknowns

I'm taking a shortcut today due to my traveling schedule.  All of the photos today were originally posted in 2019, but I was unable to identify the models.  I have far more readers today than five years ago, so maybe some new readers will recognize someone.  I should be back to normal posting by the end of the week. 

I think the two photos here are of the same model.  


  1. The first photo could be Gerald Homer - I'm not 100% sure, but I have a photo with the same scenery. And I don't think that the second photo is the same model. The back looks like there are freckles and I see some hair at the ass ...

    1. I completely agree with you Guido, on both points. The first photo looks like Gerald Homer (I've got just one other photo of him with the same frilled bench (?) and it's a watermarked AMG photo, where his face is clearer. I have no clue on the second guy.
