A collection of classic male physique photos from the 20th century with an emphasis on the thousands of men who posed for Athletic Model Guild (AMG).
There is a facial resemblance between him and a Carl Blahofsky that modeled for George Qauintance. Nose , eyes and lips look same. That Carl also had similar tattoos, but was more muscular. Could be older in the picture I am aware of.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QSkbhENDn4k/U-fAW5PVrwI/AAAAAAAAXoQ/yIfvUuX-SuE/s1600/Quaintance+Carl+Blahofsky+001.JPG
There is a facial resemblance between him and a Carl Blahofsky that modeled for George Qauintance. Nose , eyes and lips look same. That Carl also had similar tattoos, but was more muscular. Could be older in the picture I am aware of.