Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Alright Guys...Hit the Shower! (Updated)

And it's back to the AMG shower for more great photos of guys sharing the suds and conserving water.  There are a few good ones in this batch.  Enjoy! 

First up are two thirsty lads.  I think the guy with the tats went by Eddie.  

Next we have two beefy guys I don't recognize.  They look like they are really enjoying the experience. 

That's John Banger on the left with Mike Anderson.  Thanks Brian! 

It's always nice to have a helping hand. 

Next we have the three stars of the AMG film Saturday Night at the Bunkhouse.  First photo, from the left: Doug Bauman, Bob Jackson and Joe Kiser.  A cute film with plenty of cute butt shots. 

That's John Quincy Adams on the right.  

Let's end this post with another photo of Lynn Hitchcock (aka Lil Bear) and his lovely tight end.  That's Lynn on the right. I never got a name for his handsome friend.  


  1. The guy with the "John" tattoo is John Quincy Adams. The guy on the right giving a "helping hand" is Ron Henderson.

  2. Replies
    1. STEVE KEIFER is on the LEFT in the 2 Photos of RON HENDERSON in the AMG Shower. They made the 1964 AMG short film "Cop & the Delinquent". STEVE KEIFER was a One-Time only Model for AMG in 1964.

    2. Ah! I was just about to comment the same!

  3. The hairy guy who did a few films in the 60s, whose name you couldn't remember, is Jon Banger (!), his companion is Mike Anderson. I have a photo of the two of them with one of those ever-helpful name boards. Altogether I have 6 photos of this duo.

    1. Hey Brian! Can you send me your Banger/Anderson photos?

    2. Certainly! They're on their way to you.

  4. Some IDs for you:

    1) The four shots with the beefy guys (one blond and one brunet) are Rudy Peeler (brunet) and Chuck Johnson (blond)

    2) The guy with Lynn Hitchcock is George Skorzanka
