Sunday, October 16, 2022

Preacher Man

Richard Dubois was named Mr. America in 1954 at the age of 21.  To date, he is the youngest man to ever win that title. 

Richard did a film that wss distributed by Apollo but accredited to AMG.  It was a posing pouch film with Hank Evans and released in the late 1950s -- around the time of these AMG photos.  He married Ed Fury's sister, Gladys, after leaving his tour with Mae West in her stage show featuring several other bodybuilders.  

In the 1960s he went into the ministry and in the 1980s he became a preacher at Gospel Lighthouse in L.A where he served until his death in 2017.  


  1. These pictures, particularly the standing one, leave me totally unsurprised that he won Mr. America as such an early age.

  2. Dubois etait bien connu dans la revue de Las Vegas de Mae West, il du a demissionner a cause des avances de Mae.
    -Beau Mec a Deauville
