Sunday, October 16, 2022

That Smile

The only name I have for this guy is Big Red.  His name is Harry Seton.  

I guess he was tall or something.


  1. Uh, yeah, tall. That's gotta be it. Lol.

  2. Must have been a redhead. Too bad we don't have colors shots of him. Big Red was my favorite brand of soda as a kid in Texas.

    1. There also a chewing gum with that name. 😁

  3. I have this guy's name as Harry Seton. I have 5 other photos of him (all black and white, so can't say if he was a redhead or not).

    1. As you may (or may not) know, my other hobby is genealogy, specifically Y-only DNA. I carry a very distinctive Scottish male gene for red hair, and have been participating in a study by Scotland's People tracking it back over generations. The guys at SP had me take a private online tutorial on how to distinguish red from blonde in old black and white photos. Harry seems to fit the redhead criteria, and his surname has strong Scottish connections. For that matter, so does yours!

    2. Brian, can you send me those pics?. I'll post them and give credit.

    3. And Jerry, thanks for your input.
