Sunday, February 20, 2022

Such A Lovely Man

Larry Scott by his biggest fan, Pat Milo.  


  1. I've seen more than one knowledgeable commentator write that Mr. Milo had a serious crush on Larry Scott. What none of them had to say was whether the model shared those feelings. Somehow, I think not, but I guess we'll never know for sure.

    1. Like you, I never heard of any reciprocal feelings. Somewhat related, do you know when Pat died?

    2. I did some checking, and two sources say that he lived from 1911 to 1969, which would have made him only 58 at death. My other hobby is genealogy, and I can't find anything on him, possibly because he may have altered his name. One source says he was born James Patrick Milo, but I can't find anything under that either.

    3. He died March 8th 2014 according to Wiki.
