Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Big Red - We Now Have A Name!

Thanks to Brian E. we now have a name for the model I called Big Red. Brian also sent me a few more photos.

That's Harry Seton and it looks like he's wearing Navy pants in two of the photos.  Thanks Brian! 


  1. Tough to choose a favourite shot, but that 2nd, where his cock's half hard, edges out the others. Next would be the last two with the peter flipped up over his gut.

  2. OK, so I have a thing for blondes and I have a thing for skinny guys and I have a big thing for sailor in 13 button trousers so these photos pretty much tick all the boxes. I don't remember if I read it in a book or heard it in a movie but I remember a sailor asking someone if they knew what the flap was called? He told them, "A serving tray for Marines" then rolled with laughter. It took a long time before I figured out why it was so funny.
