Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Arms Folded

Who said I wanted to talk?  

1 comment:

  1. Our lifeguard didn't wear a Speedo or anything sexy at all, he wore swimming trunks that looked more like shorts. The legs were kind of baggy and open. I couldn't swim very well but I'd hang on the side of the pool and make my way down to his tall chair and look up between his legs. I didn't think he ever paid any attention to me so I stared free up the leg of his shorts trying to see what I could see. My swimming trunks were hand me downs and they didn't have a liner inside and I didn't know about liners. One day I was looking up at my dream man and he looked down at me and kind of scowled then he did something totally shocking. He pulled his suit leg wide open giving me a good look up inside his trunks. I thought I was seeing his white briefs but it was his liner. It was still pretty exciting.
