Monday, October 24, 2022

Dynamic Duo

Vic Seipke (left) and Frank Cuva in a photo by Spectrum.

You may recognize that minimalist pouch Vic is wearing from other photos Spectrum took that day.  What you may not know is that Frank Cuva also posed with Vic that day.  There are far more photos of Vic from this session than I've seen of Frank -- which probably will not surprise you. 

Both guys also posed for Douglas of Detroit.  


  1. I never get tired of Seipke, even when he isn't naked.

  2. I have 2 more photos from this session and they're both in colour (from slides). Would you like me to send them to you?

  3. Deux hommes aux physiques exceptionnels, Cuva et Seipke du firmament de la culture physique americaine.
    - Beau Mec a Deauville

  4. + Contrasto di tipi fisici e apparenze, l'eredita dell'Europa centrale di Seipke l'eredita dell'Europa meridionale di Cuva, solo nel America.
