Monday, October 24, 2022

Urban Beauty

John Gallagher by Al Urban, circa 1947.

Al was yet another physique photographer who went to prison for his work.


  1. I wish we could go back to the days when males did not shave their bodies.

  2. Al Urban went to elaborate lengths to establish that he was heterosexual, something that may be doubtful when all is said and done. I recently came across an article in a 1950 bodybuilder magazine with him and a baby purported to be his newish daughter. The problem? There is no record anywhere of a marriage, birth, or even a woman with that name. And trust me, I looked everywhere. I need to finally get my act together and run that "whatever happened to" series I've started on him and never completed.

    1. I've seen that photo of him and his "daughter" and thought it odd. Your comments make it even more so.
