Monday, October 31, 2022

Early AMG

Norman Johns from AMG.  My question is: did Mizer make the smoke rings or did Norman?  Either way, it's a great photo!


  1. It's a good pose, even if he's strapped. And the smoke rings are a cool touch.

  2. Great Photo. It was certainly the model or someone else because Mizer was not a smoker - even ranting about toxic it was back in the 1950s. Mizer even explained that he wouldn't show cigarettes to glamourize an image because he thought they were nasty - this makes this shot very early - before Mizer stopped shooting images with smoke and cigarettes in a sensual way. He also shot Ben Pascham with a cigarette in some of the very early AMG nudes in the 1940s. While I agree with Mizer's sentiment on the weed, I do think these shots are stunning.
