Monday, October 31, 2022

Somehow This Got Through

Ed Fury made the cover of Physique Pictorial Vol XI No 4 in 1962 and I'm still amazed that Mizer put this photo on the cover.  Take a close look at that crotch and tell me Ed's pubes are not showing.  Ed was a celebrity by this time.  In fact Mizer even promoted Ed's latest film on the cover.  I'm guessing Ed didn't have a publicist.  Then again, maybe he did.


  1. While it was certainly pushing the envelope for pubic hair to be visible on the cover, "posing strap overflow" images did show up from time to time in the interior portions of some magazines of that era. I've even seen some in publications that purported themselves to be "classy" such as Grecian Guild. I actually get requests for those types of pictures and have posted some. Maybe it's time for more.

  2. + Il Fury, aveva un gioioso orgoglio per la sua virilita e la dolce vita, cosi felice e glorioso.
    Osare per MIzer mostrare i peli pubici di Fury, forse per offendre la censura.
    Il Fury e Mizer on vedremo piu i loro simili.

  3. Met Ed aan boord verander 'n seilboot in 'n plesierjag.
    Ed glimlag met die vreugde om vir Mizer op 'n gewaagde foto te poseer.
    - Praetorius
