Friday, October 28, 2022


A while back I mentioned that I thought I had some photos of Andy Chavez in the nude and showing hard. Well I found them!  Leave it to Pat Milo to photograph Andy and show us what we've been waiting to see.  I would say it was worth the wait.  


  1. Milo seems to have take a lot of photos of men in bull rut. And they're all nice! Have not seen this hard cock before. I like it! But then, I have a soft spot for hard cock.

    1. Milo did seem to have a lot of guys at full mast and I'm that was not an accident.

  2. Andy, un jeune hispano-américain heureux et joyeux exhibant son phallus engorgé et sachant le plaisir qu'il peut apporter.
    En effet Milo désirait photographier des jeunes hommes bien doués avec des phallus engorgés et bien formés.
    -Beau Mec à Deauville
