Sunday, November 20, 2022

Don't Hate Me

I may have posted one or more of these images of John and Jim Manning in the past (and a whole bunch more) but the quality of these images is much better.  

First up is John.  


Now it's Jim's turn.  That cap looks like something a gas jockey wore back in the days when they had uniforms.  I sure Jim offered full service.  


I know I've posted this one in the past, but this image has been horizontally reversed. (Or maybe the other one I posted was reversed.)  Whatever.  It is a clearer image, either way.

And since they look like twins from the waist down I'll help you out.  That's Jim on the left.

All of the photos are attributed to Milo, except the one where the bros are in bed reading fan mail.  A reliable source attributes that one to Lyle Frisby.  


  1. These guys had the biggest damn dicks...wish I could have known them up close and personal.

  2. Beautiful photos very good clear quality.! Thank you for posting them.! The Manning Brothers were real Native Americans from Sitting Bulls Tribe in South Dakota. JOHN had 30 Children and was married 4 times. JOHN & JIM passed away more than 20 years ago.! JOE the youngest Brother who is not shown here is still living in Oregon.! Fascinating Brothers I think.!!

    1. I still can't get over the 30 children! It begs the question: how many women? And don't tell me one! 😜

    2. JOHN was Married four times.! Plus I believe a few might have been from Women he was not Married to in the true legal sense of that word. Remember he was a Native American and they have their own laws on that subject. But I believe at least six different Women. JOHN was a stud I think.!

    3. Cambria, you are a source of great information on the backgrounds of the physique models. Keep up the great work.
      5 stars -Rj inthe IE

    4. Thanks for the compliment. If you ever find out anything about JOHN ADAMS please share with me.! I loved your Golf Story bc I have heard a few times about Caddies who offer full service. I know that is a real thing and some Golfers use it.!!

    5. I almost didn't post this one. I can almost hear my followers. "NOT MORE MANNING BROS!"

    6. I love your posts on the Manning Brothers. No other Vintage Physique Males Model site has information about The Manning Brothers being Hunkpappa and Oglala Lakota, from Sitting Bulls tribe in Standing Rock South Dakota. Or that JOHN passed away in the 1996 and JIM passed in 2001. Or that JOE is still alive living in Oregon. I think the Mannings have many fans out there who appreciate the photos that you post and the information.! Keep up the great work please.!!

    7. Cambria, it is sad that most of the physique photographers
      have no archive, everything is scattered to the winds !
      When Bob Mizer died, his lawyer friend kept the photos and negatvies, but threw most if not all all of Bob's papers and documents and most of his personal effects, equipment and props.
      Perhaps the Bob Mizer foundation has some documentation on John Adams. But they seem to be busy still cataloging everything and like most archives hardly avail themselves to the public. Everything is serious researchers only. At least they could start a webpage of Bob's documents with info about his AMG models if they have any.

    8. Thanks I have asked the BMF. They could tell me that JOHN was from Virginia and he only posed for Mizer one time. John tried to pose a 2nd time but Mizer sent him away bc he felt he had gained too much weight for his frame. I believe they said he would be 77 if he were still alive. That was all that they could tell me. I wanted to find out more about JOHN and his name and the Confederate flag tattoo. I wish BMF could start a webpage about the Models but they have little information on JOHN ADAMS.

    9. John posed more than once. See the photos I've posted on this site alone. They could not have been done in one day.

    10. I agree I think the records are flawed. Mizer may have turned JOHN ADAMS away one day but he clearly allowed him to return. But the BMF records show otherwise and I can not argue with the records. Besides I seriously doubt JOHN was that fat. He always looked great in every photo I have seen. Mizer had a history where he have a fight with a model and say he was done with them forever. Then a few months later the Model would be back at AMG making Movies and Star and Mizer had forgiven him. Mizer once said in PP that he was finished forever with DAVID O'BOYLE after Mizer found out DAVID had picked the lock of his home and snooped around. A few months later DAVID was back at AMG making Films and doing Photos like a star. I think the records are flawed at BMG. Anyways I have to figure out who might have more research on John Adams. Didn't JOHN pose for Bruce of LA? Because there are several books out about the Bruce Bellas models.

    11. Tribal marriages don't allow for polygamy these days.

      Oh, I should mention, Sitting Bull was Hunkpapa. The Oglala would be Red Cloud and Crazy Horse.

  3. Yes, Jim could certainly offer "full-service" with a lube job thrown in.
    Reminds of the time back in the 70's when i was a kid,I went along with an uncle and one of his golf buddies to an exclusive country club in So. Cal. One of the caddies there was known to offer "full-service" to some of the members. (no pun intended) He tried to flirt with my straight uncle ! It did not work. Looking at the good-looking caddy, I think thats when I discovered "gaydar" among other things. ( I can still see him, clean-cut,short black hair,well tanned in red plaid shorts, white and red polo shirt, a nice build) The conversation in the car uncle had with his friend when we left was hilarious.
    Speculating who the caddy slept with and what acts were performed.
    And my uncle telling me not to say a word to granma about any of it.
    -Rj intheIE

  4. Well, this solves one question I always wonder about: How did other men jerk off when we were living with the family? Easy enough for an only son, but with a brother in the same room, it is a question.

    Apparently the Manning bros lost their inhibitions quickly.
