Sunday, November 20, 2022

Mystery Solved

Over the years I've come across this photo many times, usually with a caption describing the who, what, where and especially when.  I've lost count of the various descriptions.  I'm not even going to share the one I think is most likely.  Does anyone know for sure? 

See notes: Locker room tent for University rowing team, Amsterdam, 1964.  Thanks to 2ndWave.  


  1. The info I have is "Locker Room Tent for University Rowing, Amsterdam, 1964." Photo by Leonard Freed.

    I was always intrigued not only by the magnificent asses and bodybuild on these guys, but also by the suited guy on the far right who is obviously enjoying the moment. I can understand why his hands are so deep into his pants pockets.

  2. I dunno, guys. Back then men's locker rooms were pretty casual. I would not read sex into this. But those are nice asses.

  3. No need to “read sex” into this, just enjoy the beautiful view!
