Monday, November 7, 2022

Special Gift

Here's a genuine US marine who was called Al Edmond at AMG.  His marine buddy John Davidson brought him along one day to make some quick cash.  I read somewhere Al also posed for Milo and Bruce, but I've never seen any evidence of that.  

Well thanks to Cambria who heard my cries and sent me copies of Al's work with Milo.  At AMG he was all smiles, here he appears more serious.  It's all good to me, though.  So special thanks to Cambria for this post.  

I would be remiss if I didn't ask if anyone has his photos with Bruce.  


  1. It's cool that his peter is skinned back in the next-to-last shot.

  2. James, I have 8 more from the Milo shoot. Would you like me to send them to you?

  3. Superlative posts, James! Thank you.
    And I hope we get to see Brian's additions one day.
