Monday, June 12, 2023

Full Pouch

John Tristram by Bruce of LA.  


  1. One of the best/great physique models John Tristram (1933-1986)
    Great tanned physique, strong back, wasp waist, bubble butt and a graceful poser. Tristram posed for Bellas, Jimmy Caruso, Bob Delmonteque, French/Colt, Anthony Guyther, Lon Hanagan, Mizer/AMG, Renslow/Kris, Sokolsky/Togof, Tom Nicholl/Scott of London, Russ Warner. Not bad for a lad from the English countryside. -Rj

  2. Shock and awe from Tristram.
    Pushing the envelope with that pouch full of his manhood....:)

  3. Comme en panthere, une vision de la beaute masculine.
    Bel forme et physique bien bronze du desirable Tristram.
    C'est exceptionnel.
    -Beau Mec a Deauville

  4. John was always a reliable and handsome subject

  5. Dieser Englander war der ideale mann von korperlicher perfektion.
    Intellekt - sprach franzosisch und unterrichtete franzosische literatur.
    Sportlich - korperkultur und bodybuilding und ein favorit vieler fotografen.
