Monday, June 12, 2023


Leonard Chambers by.AMG.  The glass dish he's holding belonged to Mizer's mother.  He used them to create the light patterns on the background. 


  1. Beautiful image of handsome Leonard Chambers enhanced by Delia Mizer's cut glassware projected as a backdrop. Mama Mizer was the best, though she had mixed feelings about Bob's profession, she stood by her son at a time when many parents, as well as relatives, rejected their gay children. Sad to say it seems we are sliding back to bad times after making so much progress :( Mizer along with Lon, Frisby, Juleff, Martin and others suffered because of a most evil form of ignorance, let's not go back that....:)

  2. Kunstlerisches und inspirierendes foto von Chambers.
    Die tragodie von Leonard Chambers, die polizei ermordet ihn, wie von Mizer berichete. (vvs)

  3. + Chambers in una posa classica.
    Speriamo che non abbia lanciato la lastra di cristallo e l'abbia rotta,
    mamma Mizer si sarebbe arrabbiata.
    Mizer apprezza le belle arti, si dice che abbia visitato Italia all'inizio degli anni '50.
