Wednesday, February 7, 2024


That striped pouch tells me this is AMG, mid 1960s.  

Jim Powers.  Thanks to Guido!  


  1. Those horizontal striped Posing Pouches were worn at AMG mostly around 1965. There are so many stories on vintage physique sites that Bob Mizer's Mother made these hideous posing pouches. The truth is his Mother never made any Posing Pouches at all and she passed away in 1964 after being very ill for 2 years.

    1. This is the first time I've heard Ma Mizer never made any pouches. For decades I heard otherwise. Must be an urban legend.

    2. I believe Mizer himself mentioned that his mother did sew the posing pouches used by his physique models in an early issue of his Physique Pictorial. -Rj

    3. If you can let me know which PP has that claim by Mizer I can ask the BMF. I was informed by the BMF that she never did any sewing of Posing Pouches and wanted the models gone by suppertime. Until she died in 1964 Mizer never had any models living on the property. I asked the BMF about Don Matney since he lived at AMG off and on from 1961 to 1965. It turns out that the Mizer's next door neighbors passed away in 1958 and Mizer bought the home. They used that home to house a few models from 1959 but it was never part of the AMG Compound. Don Matney lived in the home off and on until Mizer finally kicked him out for good in 1965 after a Burglary that he was suspected of doing.

  2. When Mixer's Mom was in good health she was very busy with boarders (not the AMG models) making them meals and washing linens. Bob Mizer's Brother was 15 years older than Bob and special needs. He lived with Bob all his life until Bob died in 1992.

  3. Never knew Bob's brother was special needs, I always assumed Bob handled the artistic side and his brother handled the business end.
    Sort of like Walt Disney and his brother Ray.
    Kudos to Cambria. -Rj

    1. I talked to the BMF about all the things in the film BEEFCAKE that were wrong and not accurate. The scene in the attic with Bob Mizer's Brother naked modeling never took place. The Brother was like 15 years older and special needs and it was just not possible. The BMF told me Mizer's Mother was not Jewish like the film implied and she really did not get involved with the models at all. None of the Models were allowed to live on the AMG property per se until she passed away in 1964. There were a few models that Mizer allowed to live in the home next door from 1959 until 1964 but his Mother had no involvement with that.

    2. RJ: Joe Mizer was unable to complete the 8th Grade. That was as far as he could go in school and he dropped out. Joe could barely print his name and sign it on his Draft Card. Joe worked as a Handyman on the property. Joe could never have been an Accountant for anyone. These were myths BEEFCAKE and other rags told that never checked facts.

  4. You just know the neighbors next door got an eyeful of masculinity everyday. I can hear them say, "That Bob has all sorts of near naked men running around his house, even the damned roof ! Do you think Delia knows ?" :)

  5. I sort of thought that also until I learned that the people next door were elderly in the 1950s and liked Bob Mizer. They remembered him growing up as a child and teen and their heirs did not want the home (it is only about a mile from downtown LA). Mizer was able to buy it at a good price. Mizer lucked out on neighbors-- he even had Bob Carr living close by for support.

  6. This is Jim Powers - see PP Vol. 15 No4 pages 26 and 27

  7. Guido is correct that is JIM POWERS wearing a hideous factory mass produced striped Posing Pouch at AMG in 1965. Delia Mizer never sewed a single Posing Pouch in her life and had died in 1964 after being ill for almost 2 years. AMG sold thousands of Posing Pouches in the early 1960s and Delia could never have made all those orders. JIM POWERS died in a Motorcycle accident not long after posing for Bob Mizer. RIP JIM.

  8. RJ: Valentine Hooven's book, Beefcake, was supposedly the source of Fitzgerald's script, even though he never met Mizer (who died 3 years earlier). The bookkeeper brother and posing pouch mother stories come directly from that book. The info in the book about AMG is shorter than a magazine article - thus the "...fictionalization for dramatic purposes."
