Sunday, April 28, 2024

Let's Help Shane

A reader named Shane told me he is a big AMG fan and occasionally buys AMG photos on the internet.  Usually the photos are of models he knows, but this photo was an exception.  Shane thought I might be of assistance.  I'm sorry to say I don't recognize this model, but I thought maybe one of my followers would.  


  1. I tried too, but neither I nor my software can match him. Sorry!

  2. Shane here. Thanks for trying. I appreciate it.

    1. Thank you! I always like to help identify models. I find it very frustrating when I can't. 😝

    2. Shane: If we do get a name I will repost this with the information. That way you don't miss it if you're a frequent reader.

      P.S. I share Brian's frustration.
