Saturday, April 27, 2024

Square Peg

Mark Brousseau appeared in Physique Pictorial Vol. 35 in August, 1981 in a promo for his only film work at AMG -- a solo posing routine.  The subjective characters at the bottom left of this photo include a square telling us Mark was "a square".  That term was often used for someone who was conventional, boring or a prude.  


  1. How much of a prude could he have been, showing his dick to the world like that?

  2. MARK BROUSSEAU was a 20 year old Military "Square" from Waterbury Connecticut who posed for Bob Mizer in 1979. When Mizer's codes said that a Man was "Square" usually the Man claimed to be 100% heterosexual like MARK. He made a 1979 AMG COLOR short Posing film called "Mark Brousseau". Mark was no prude but he did not play well with others.

  3. I was wondering with the Brousseau French name and wasn't surprised to see he was from a French Canadian family. Many Québécois went to USA back in the 20th century to work in factories. I have some relatives from my dad grand mother side who are in Rhode Island and some other in Boston.

    1. The Brousseau name may not be his real name, though.

    2. FamilySearch has many links to Mark A Brousseau in Waterbury, Connecticut as late as 2009.
