Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Freddie Orlando 3/3

Kurt Deitrick moved Freddie to the backyard to photograph him in natural light.   Some readers will recognize this location used by Bruce for many of his models.  

Here's Freddie in Physique Pictorial Vol. 32 published in May, 1979.  Mizer tell us Freddie was 20 years old which dates the photo to 1976/77.  Freddie was still filming wrestling matches at AMG in 1983/84.  

From the same photo shoot. 


  1. Kurt Dietrick was a stage name for a Man named Kent Lee Schlesselmen who had a Mother with the maiden last name of Dietrick. He was listed as living in Los Alamitos California (the city where the Bruce of LA home was located) in 2014 when he passed away at age 78. He would have been about 39 years old in 1974 when Bellas died.
    Scotty Cunningham (Bellas's lover/partner) was a stage name for Steve Buono. When Bruce died in 1974 STEVE BUONO vanished from physique photography. He literally vanished. STEVE would sell his inheritance and the Bellas home to Kurt Deitrick who ran Kensington Road for 3 years or so before closing down. Steve Buono did not even attend the funeral for Bruce Bellas. Kensington Road was 100% the work of Kurt Deitrick who was really Kent Lee Schlesselmen.

  2. Kent Lee Kurt Dietrick Schlesselmen lived at 11762 Kensington Rd.

  3. Bruce Bellas and Kent Lee Schlesselman are both buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills. As to Steve Buono he would be 77 if he is still living but I assume that he may have taken a different name after 1974. No one really knows.

  4. Cambria, thank you for Bruce's information. Through marriages, he's my 8th cousin. Links:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. One more link for Bruce of L.A.:

  7. Kurt Dietrick AKA Kent Lee Schlesselmen was related to Bruce Bellas. This would make sense. Because before Kurt Dietrick bought the Bellas home he lived a few doors away with his Mother in Los Alamitos in another home. That was not a coincidence. Great job Jim on the research.
