Tuesday, May 28, 2024

New Photo

John Krivos looks awesome from behind.  

See comments regarding the sailor. 


  1. Krivos looks awesome from any direction.

  2. That's not Al Agor in the bath. It's a guy for whom we only got a surname: Schaer. In all the shots I have of John Krivos with Al Agor (Agar) the bathtub doesn't have that mocked-up tile surround look.

    1. Oy! This model has been the source of my heartburn.

    2. Yeah, I've got 12 photos of John Krivos and Mr. Schaer. All except 1 is from the mocked-up outdoor/indoor bathroom. The other 1 is a kerbside shot - with two nice 1940s-ish cars parked nearby. John's wearing a delivery man's cap and a leather jacket and is holding a small (metal) case/lunchbox and Mr. Schaer is in a US navy uniform with a badge with 4 chevrons under an eagle. (I'm no expert on sailor's uniforms!)
