Monday, March 25, 2024

John & Jerry

Jerry Ulrich (left) and John Q. Adams in the AMG shower.  Thanks to Cambria for Jerry's ID. 

This is my first photo of Mr. Ulrich and from this angle he looks fine to me.  Maybe someone will send me more photos of him so I can do a more complete examination.  😋


  1. JERRY ULRICH on the LEFT with JOHN Q. ADAMS on the RIGHT in the AMG Shower for Bob Mizer in 1965 after making the 1965 AMG b&w short Wrestling Film "Adams vs. Ulrich". JERRY was at least 6 inches taller than JOHN.

  2. Ulrich wird grund genug finden, das stück seife in Mizers bad fallen zu lassen. :)

  3. Ok, I'll take the bait. I've sent you 7 more photos of Jerry Ulrich. They are all duos with John Q. Adams.
